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American Jewish Congress Solutions Challenge

Antisemitism on U.S. College Campuses:

What is the best response?

Antisemitism is on the rise across America

From hate crimes to toxic social media posts, Jewish communities are facing unprecedented challenges. Most alarmingly, college campuses—once safe havens of intellectual freedom—have become hotspots for anti-Israel protests where antisemitic rhetoric is not only tolerated but sometimes even embraced. This hostile environment threatens the safety and well-being of Jewish students nationwide.

This must end.

Introducing the Solutions Challenge

The American Jewish Congress is launching our inaugural Solutions Challenge. We are calling on young Jewish leaders to join us in confronting antisemitism head-on. 


Seeking innovative SOLUTIONS for:

  • How to address antisemitism on college campuses?
  • What innovative solutions are needed to combat antisemitism in academia?
  • How can we foster a campus environment where Jewish students thrive without fear?
  • What administrative, legislative, and public advocacy tools and actions can turn the tide on campus antisemitism?

We are looking for bold, fresh perspectives that tackle the real dangers Jewish students face today. This is your chance to make your voice heard, influence decision-makers, and create lasting change for Jewish students.

Why Participate

Make Your Voice Heard

Share your insights and ideas on a critical issue affecting the Jewish community.

Spread Awareness

Highlight how antisemitism is affecting Jewish students and propose innovative solutions on how to address this critical issue.

Influence Change

Have a direct impact: inspire action, public advocacy campaigns, and policy changes.

Gain Recognition

Stand out and be recognized for your thoughtful contributions as an emerging Jewish activist and leader.

Solutions Challenge Prizes

  • $2,500 for the winning essay
  • Featured in the AJCongress newsletter and website
  • Participate in a session with the leadership of the AJCongress
  • Additional awards for runners-up
  • Recognition for all participants committed to combating antisemitism

How to Enter

  • Include your name, contact information, age, and school affiliation
  • Upload essay in word or pdf document
  • Upload video in MP4, MOV, AVI, WebM, or FLV format

Rules and Guidelines


Entry is open to students in the United States. Students must be between the ages of 18-23 and currently enrolled in their undergraduate or graduate studies at the time of the competition.


• Language: All submissions must be in English
• Essay length: 500-1,500 words
• Format: Font size – 11; Line Spacing – 1.5
• Submission Limit: Entrants are limited to one written submission per year
• Originality: Each essay must be original. Essays must reflect the participant’s ideas, analysis, and expression. Any essay found to involve plagiarism will be immediately disqualified from the competition.
• AI Usage: The use of AI tools for assistance in writing is strictly prohibited.
• Accepted Digital Formats: MS Word, PDF

Intro Video

• Content: Video highlighting why you chose to participate in the contest, the challenges Jewish college students face and summary of the ideas from your essay addressing this issue.
• Language: All submissions must be in English
• Video Length: 120 seconds or less
• Format: Either choose a creative approach or keep it more traditional—what matters most is that your video clearly communicates your ideas.
• Submission Limit: Entrants are limited to one video submission per year
• Originality: Each video must be original. Videos must reflect the participant’s ideas, analysis, and expression.
• Accepted Digital Formats: MP4, MOV, AVI, WebM, or FLV format

Essay / Video Naming Format

Participant surname followed by _AJCongressSolutionsChallenge
Example: Doe_AJCongressSolutionsChallenge

Judges conduct a blind evaluation of the Essay submissions and deliberate on the winner(s). Essays will be judged on:

• Originality and Creativity: Unique perspectives and innovative thinking.
• Depth of Analysis: Well researched, thoughtful insights that go beyond surface-level understanding.
• Relevance to the Theme: Clear connection to the topic of antisemitism, staying focused and on point.

Our determination in all such matters are final.

• The entrant represents and warrants as follows: (i) that the submitted essay and accompanying video are the entrant’s original work of authorship; (ii) that the submitted essay and accompanying video do not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity, intellectual property rights, or other rights of any person, entity, or other party; (iii) that the submitted essay and accompanying video do not violate any law or regulation; and (iv) that the submitted essay and accompanying video have not been published in any form or in any publication.

• Submissions by entrant must not only be entirely original works of authorship and content, submissions may not have yet been published in any form or in any other publication. If your submission contains small amounts of material or content (i.e. a paragraph or two) that has been previously published, please let us know so that we can evaluate whether or not we can accept such a submission. To that end, please note in your submission the specific text that has been previously published elsewhere, and please provide the name of the publication where such text was previously published.

• Submissions may not: (i) include any language, expression, or content that constitutes hate speech or defamation in any form whatsoever; (ii) contain any content that is harmful to children, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable; (iii) violate any applicable laws or regulations; (iv) impersonate any person or entity; (v) include any content that you do not have the right to make available or that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of any person or entity; or (vi) include content containing advertisements or other commercial solicitations without our prior written permission. We will make such determinations, in our own discretion. Should there be a determination by us, in our sole discretion, of breach of this prohibition, the submitted essay will not be further considered by us, and its submission shall be considered null and void ab initio.

Judges with expertise in journalism, public engagement, and educational writing, will review all essay submissions and select the winners based on the established criteria.


• $2,500 for the winning essay*
• Featured in the AJCongress newsletter and website
• Participation in a session with the leadership of the AJCongress

Runners-up (2nd and 3rd place):

• Amazon gift certificates worth $500 and $250 each.
• Certificates of achievement.
• Participation in a session with the leadership of the AJCongress

All Participants: Certificate of participation from the American Jewish Congress.

*If there is more than one winner in any given year, the amount will be distributed evenly among the winners.

Meet the Judges

Elli Stern

Elli Stern is Professor of Modern Jewish Intellectual and Cultural History in the Departments of Religious Studies and History and Chair of the Program in Jewish Studies at Yale University.

Tunku Varadarajan

Tunku Varadarajan is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and at New York University Law School’s Classical Liberal Institute. He is a contributing writer at the Wall Street Journal.

Assaf Weiss

Assaf Weiss is the Deputy Mayor of Ramat Gan and an adjunct professor at Reichman University’s Law School. He formerly served as Chief of Staff to the Speaker of the Knesset and as CEO of Unistream.

Join the Movement

The Solutions Challenge is more than just a chance to win a prize; it’s an opportunity to take a stand and be part of a movement dedicated to protecting the future of Jewish students on campuses nationwide.

Learn more and enter the Solutions Challenge here.

Submit Your Essay Today

Help us turn the tide against campus antisemitism. Together, we can create a safer, more inclusive environment where every Jewish student can thrive without fear.